Monthly Archives: June 2017

Braces vs Invisalign

Although braces are one of the most common and recommended treatments available to straighten crooked teeth, they are not for everyone. This is often due to how much the metal attached to the teeth stands out, and the wearer may be embarrassed by them. This is why Dentist Collingwood also have the Invisalign treatment available.

But […]

By |June 16th, 2017|Blog Articles|0 Comments

Top 5 Sleep Dentistry Myths

Many people dread the thought of having to go to the dentist. These are all very understandable concerns, and this is why Dentist Collingwood offer sleep dentistry to our patients.

Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about sleep dentistry that may put people off having their teeth checked. These unfounded fears and false information should not stop […]

By |June 16th, 2017|Blog Articles|0 Comments